
The Best Hair Transplant In Odisha.

Introducing the revolutionary Bio-Follicular Unit Extraction Technique which is a proven, minimally invasive outpatient procedure in which follicular unit grafts, consisting of a small number of hair follicles, are individually removed from the genetically stronger areas of your scalp (the “donor” areas) and artistically restored to your thinning areas (the “recipient” areas). We have dedicated this practice exclusively to hair restoration. We are highly skilled in the time-tested process of natural graft placement, where a patient’s hairline is recreated in keeping with their original hair growth pattern to give them a natural-looking result. The placement of these follicular units is what sets the stage for Aesthetica’s natural-looking results and artistic difference. Ours FUE technique is an exciting advancement that propels the field of hair transplant surgery one step closer to the elite minimally invasive status. The promise of an almost scar less surgery is enticing

Best Skin Clinic In Bhubaneswar.

Microdermabrasion is one of the more recent skin-care techniques to have crossed over from Hollywood to the mainstream. It’s being advanced as an “instant facelift” — an effective alternative to costlier and more invasive procedures like plastic surgery, chemical peels and Botox injections. Recently, more and more men are trying it, instead of pursuing cosmetic surgery. So what exactly is microdermabrasion, what does it promise and what effect does it actually have on your face? Do you need a doctor, or is it something you can do yourself? In this article, we’ll look at the science behind microdermabrasion, see what a treatment is like and find out what it does to your skin. Microdermabrasion Candidates Microdermabrasion works especially well as a way to clean out clogged pores. It’s a useful alternative for patients whose skin is too sensitive to use anti-acne drugs like Retin-A. It’s not recommended for those who have active oral herpes. We have been delivering fla

Best Hair Transplant In Bhubaneswar.

Typically, people who have had a hair transplant will continue to grow hair in the transplanted areas of the scalp. The new hair may appear more or less dense depending on: • scalp laxity (how loose your scalp skin is) • density of follicles in the transplanted zone • hair caliber or quality • hair curl If you don’t take medication (propecia or minoxidil) or undergo a low level of laser therapy, you may continue to experience hair loss in non-treated areas of your scalp. It’s important to discuss the expected outcome with your surgeon and develop realistic expectations. What is PRP? Platelet rich plasma is concentrated blood plasma which contains roughly three-to-five times the number of platelets found in normal blood. This plasma also contains platlet, vascular, and transforming growth factors and proteins that aid in wound healing and potential hair growth. We have also learned in recent studies that platelet rich plasma can serve as a safe and effective tr